Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Biometric safe vs Dwarf.

Okay, this is the biometric safe that I am talking about. I can't really tell you how to break it. But you could say its very very ingenius. It really works in real life too. The only thing is that you don't really have the acid at home to do this. Ha!
Okay guys, (I love saying this) DO NOT TRY THIS AT HOME!!!(after you read and learn about it in my manga)

And this is a smiling dwarf I am talking about.
Name: Pending(ideas welcomed)
Gender: Male
Race: Dwarf
Ability(ies): Digging, Stealing, Eating, Releasing large amounts of Flatulence.
Favorite Food: Clay
Favorite Stone: Gold, Diamond
Height: 110 cm
More About: Has been charged to prison for theft, impersonation, forgery and indecency(dwarf males tend to have indecent exposure because...let's just say they end products of the soil he eats must go somewhere, and that somewhere must be open for release?). But being charged and actually serving the sentence is different for him. He's sentenced to 120 years in jail and he's served 10 only. On account of escape, he is charged with another 70 years imprisonment. Well, a seasoned escape artist isn't he, escaping prison for a record of 26 times? Some profile he got there eh? But he isn't all that bad I guess. At least he has a funny and cheery character.(Dwarfs aren't always grumpy contrary to popular beliefs).

Stay Tuned for more information about the manga's progress and information on characters. I was thinking of having the title as: Kieran Chase, same way as Naruto does it. Lols.

Breaking safes.

Think a safe is safe for keeping your stuff? Hiding things from the hands of Kieran Chase? Well, even this safe is not "safe" from the hands of Kieran if he sets his mind on obtaining whatever is contained within.
Okay, so he can do it, but I can't. I don't have the know how to break a safe. Burning though it incinerates everything inside it(so its out of the question). Filling it with water and bombing it(to have added impact due to water pressure) fails epically because water leaks from it.(well if it does not leak then it might work). Then, there is breaking through it the old fashion way(hearing for clicks on 5 different combinations). Not the procedure you would like to take when given about 5 minutes to open it and escape now, would it? Okays, why not burn through the lock? Well, apparently there is a anti-break glass pad that when cracked or broken actually allows for the safe to be shut completely unless you have a key(which is another problem).

For Kieran and me it might be tricky to open the safe. But for the seasoned smiling dwarf of the fairy race, he can open all "human" safe. He's not clever enough to override Kieran's biometric safe though. Even though they are pretty easy to break through(for human technology ones). Ha.(I'll leave that to you to figure out).

Keeping something from the hands of others. Think again, nothing other that fairy technology can stump Kieran and Dwarf(name pending) and prevent them from attaining whatever they desire that is within the "safe".

Well, this is a preview to what is going to occur. Or it may not. But, trying to break into a house and a safe is rather thrilling and interesting if I would say.

Monday, August 30, 2010

Kieran Chase

Hi, it's almost midnight here. Not drawing. I'm just posting some works that I drew(last week?). Well, it's much easier to think in terms of an evil character scheming than to think in terms of a good person. Wonder if it reflects on me, but what the heck! This is Kieran. (means genius btw). The main character of the new manga I am drawing. Of course he is evil and plotting stuff for him is actually very fun! It's like having commit perfect crimes but without risk! Except, Kieran(tentative) is in actual danger. Hahas. Imagine me thinking deviously in the mindset of a 13 year old boy with IQ of 198. Wow! Of course, there are capacities to what I can think of(it's not very difficult if you put your mind to it). Clever stuff either pops up or don't. Even geniuses can't solve everything you know!


One of the first few drawings after the main brain-stormed idea of angels and demons. Somehow or another, the angels are now "out-of-the-picture" while the fairies(supposedly descendants of fallen angels) shine in the limelight. Wow. What was I thinking?

More About Me!

Hi, Masaru Takahashi here. I'm a manga artist currently drawing manga(obviously), and a high school student too. I've drawn(and submitted) one manga titled: Gaia Eleven.

Now, I am working on the second project based on a fairy world beneath the thriving cities of the human population. What goes on in the manga? Well, I can't divulge the occurrences. You would just have to follow and see. I guess postings would be irregular due to the lack of time I have. But be assured that at least one art piece will be up every week(for I do draw in classes). Ha!

The title for this current art work is still unknown. Comment and tell me what's best!!! Thanks for the support!