Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Global issues?

Hi viewers. Today's a total flop. Wasted an entire day(of precious time which could have been spent presumably on drawing) waiting for an interview that never came. See, I'm given a chance to go with friends and schoolmates to Europe(finally that day has arrived). It's Germany! I'm actually excited about the trip even though I haven't been granted a place to go yet(but I know I will eventually go). Thanks to my classmates who spent the entire morning and half the afternoon with me(I'm using their project idea for the interview session - hope you 4 don't mind). It's really just to talk about it. Really.

So all I've got to do is to talk about a global issue. What is it? Yes, Land Shortage. It's evident in most urbanized areas right? It's of course economic, social and a geographical problem. Sustainable living and growth is just part of this, then there is the efficient use of land, and the efficient use to space(not only land).

Most of this is already in place though not widely use due to the lack of research and development of technology that supports land-saving methods.

Okay, enough of the boring stuffs. Sorry but I'll be doing some research tonight(so there'll be no drawings today). But, I can make an exception to draw concept art for ideas to tackle this global problem. Hmmm... sorry Hoi Bing Lai(but I'll be editing your concept into 3d and make some changes).

Credits of the amazing ideas to my friends, Benjamin Tan, Wei Key, Hoi Bing, and Thu Ha.(and sham who wasn't there)

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