Saturday, July 28, 2012

The "A-liens " are

Aliens are attacking? Nope. Z-lien is attacking actually. What am I talking about? Read on to know more. Your eyes probably already looked towards the picture below already. If you haven't then good for you. Continue reading. If you have...I doubt you know what is going on either...So, read on. :)

Want a sneak preview of what my design company is doing? Well, mot so much of a sneak preview, but, this is my first attempt at digitalising my artwork using the bamboo pad from the manually drawn art that is in my file(just waiting to be used in my design business soon). Of all the designs there, most are easy and far of from the normal manga art I used to do. Of course, my manga art is way off from the mangaka's...therefore the many scoldings from my ex-editor for giving sloppy work. I did my best okay? I didn't have any help or a mentor. It's just me and my pens. And ruler. And pencils...

Anyways, pardon the sloppyness here too. This took me slightly less than 2 hours. I call it the Z-lien. An alien force invading the earth from the AlphaPlanet in the Betica Galaxy. Can you see it? Wait for it..... Yep. Alpha-Betica? Yes, it's got to do with alphabets. Every "alien" will be named after an alphabet...meaning there will be a collection of 24 "aliens". So, let's start with Z-lien.

Well, I do hope you like it. It did take some getting used to the bamboo pad. And as usual, I had to improvise. Clarevoyant style! :) By the way, the cloud thing at its mouth is smoke. Right. Enjoy. That's all for today then. The next time will probably be in 3 days or so since I will be busy "working" in the army.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Back after a very very long while.

Well, back blogging people. Firstly, this is fair warning to anyone out there. It's going to be a damn long post.

Anyways, being in army(the most boring and waste-of-time thing I'll ever engage in my entire life), i have been pressed to do desk job due to my (personal but all-so-visible) medical condition. So, I have lots of time on my hands. Guess what do I do in that time? I draw. I read. I study. Yes. Study. After months of being away from school(and I am so glad), I actually somewhat miss studying a little. As my superior said, " sometimes people want to study when they are working, but end up wanting to go back to work when they are finally studying". Why? It's a dread to even work there. I dun really know why he even wishes to continue working there. Maybe I don't, but he does.

Sure thing I am studying. But what for? Well, my studies was a flop. So, I am taking this opportunity to study instead. Since I am going to tackle a degree in business after National Service, I might as well get a head start in studying a diploma part time. Besides, what is a diploma that can be completed in 9 months compared to the A levels in 34 months. Right?

Also, its to give me some knowledge so that I can actually start a real and proper business. Since it is coming soon after I finish my diploma(probably next year's first quarter.) Remember people, come support my business when it's ready, Okay?

The business would be tentatively a design company dealing with designs. I would appreciate it if designers(graphic or any artist that has knowledge of design) contact me at You will get a special offer. Also, I can give you a "Pioneer" rank in my company. Giving you an edge over people who join later. Anyways, I'll notify any of you who contact me and give you instructions to follow once my business is up. I'll give you a brief explanation of my business too(you won't have anything to lose by joining the company). The company aims to provide a platform for young and promising designers to horne their skills in the art scene and to gain invaluable knowledge in the process, so as to give the artist the required experience and chances that many firms are unwilling to give. I decided on this because when I tried to find a holiday job at design studios, due to my lack of experience in the field(obviously...because I was studying...where to find time?), I was always turned down. If someone gave me an opportunity to help, I would have learnt a valuable amount.

For this, I have invested in a desktop with dedicated graphics to support the graphic designing programs I will be running. Also, it would delight a lot of you and maybe even make some of you jealous, but, I have bought a bamboo pad! No more hand sketching and erasing anymore! Yay. The only problem is the steep learning curve which I am experiencing now. Half of this is written with a bamboo pad. I am dying from doing that and almost given up entirely. This has taken me almost an hour. Kudos.