Saturday, July 28, 2012

The "A-liens " are

Aliens are attacking? Nope. Z-lien is attacking actually. What am I talking about? Read on to know more. Your eyes probably already looked towards the picture below already. If you haven't then good for you. Continue reading. If you have...I doubt you know what is going on either...So, read on. :)

Want a sneak preview of what my design company is doing? Well, mot so much of a sneak preview, but, this is my first attempt at digitalising my artwork using the bamboo pad from the manually drawn art that is in my file(just waiting to be used in my design business soon). Of all the designs there, most are easy and far of from the normal manga art I used to do. Of course, my manga art is way off from the mangaka's...therefore the many scoldings from my ex-editor for giving sloppy work. I did my best okay? I didn't have any help or a mentor. It's just me and my pens. And ruler. And pencils...

Anyways, pardon the sloppyness here too. This took me slightly less than 2 hours. I call it the Z-lien. An alien force invading the earth from the AlphaPlanet in the Betica Galaxy. Can you see it? Wait for it..... Yep. Alpha-Betica? Yes, it's got to do with alphabets. Every "alien" will be named after an alphabet...meaning there will be a collection of 24 "aliens". So, let's start with Z-lien.

Well, I do hope you like it. It did take some getting used to the bamboo pad. And as usual, I had to improvise. Clarevoyant style! :) By the way, the cloud thing at its mouth is smoke. Right. Enjoy. That's all for today then. The next time will probably be in 3 days or so since I will be busy "working" in the army.

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