Sunday, September 19, 2010

The Fairy Race

While I try to study for the promos(promotional exams) now, I sometimes bring myself deep into the fantasy world of Kieran when I feel too saturated. Well, its not as if I would turn into a genius. Actually, I don't think I'll ever think like him. I would probably need a genius for reference. Hahas. Or, I could use a lot of materials for research. Either way, I will put this on hold at least until 3 weeks later.

A month would definitely be enough to complete the first draft.
Okays. More about the fairy race for now. Fairies are the general names given to the race itself. In actual fact, the race itself consists of many sub-groups. We have Fairies of course. They are the "supreme" race, but they are lacking in wings such that they have to use mechanical ones to make up for it. Pixies on the other hand have wings. But they have a small stature and a little shorter temper. We have goblins which are basically brainless reptiles that only like destruction, explosions and yup, you guessed it. Killing. Then we have Trolls which are creatures of the dampness and dark with immensely powerful strikes and venom oozing tusk that immobilizes the victim. Not a creature you want to face up front. Then we have Dragons. They are part fairy and part dinosaur(believe it or not). They are descendants of dinosaurs. They have been banished to the underlands of the seas and in the Artic. I shall not go into the details of the reason why they are banished(you will know in due time). Also, there is Centaurs or better know as Chiron(for the sake of this manga). Chirons are slightly smarter and are mostly introvert. Well, they are however very bad at combat(that's something different from centaurs). And we have the Dwarf. Always eating dirt, digesting it and out it goes from somewhere you don't want to know. A dwarf? Bad temper, bad breath, bad hygiene. Just run away when you see one.

These are technically the only races I am adding for chapters 1-10. I could add more to the chapters later.

Oh, and why are fairies the supreme races you asked? Well, they are the only ones that can control elemental magic. Air, Water, Fire, Earth. These are the basic four elements that they can control. Fairies that master air are usually good at flying(duh). Those adapt at water are usually good at healing. Those mastering fire are good at smelting. Earth, they are the ones that cause the earthquakes. Ha.

Even if the fairy can have slight control over some elements other than the main element, there are some that can master 2 elements though the toll of mastering 2 elements usually fry their brains literally(from the stress of controlling the massive power). It's said in the ancient text that NO ONE FAIRY CAN MASTER 2 ELEMENTS. But recently these patterns are showing. Is someone behind this? Or is this a natural occurrence? Or is it the resulting product of being exposed to radiation the humans have leaked over the years?

Friday, September 10, 2010

Down to the boring stuffs

Okays peeps, I've decided to have weekly postings just in case you have realised that I haven't been posting for a few days. Afterall, I did post once a day. But that's all in the past. And in the past, I did not have to worry about the up coming promos. So, in view of the promos, I should blog less and I should also(technically speaking) stop playing or surfing the net. But, you know, my body doesn't really listen to my logical thinking. Anyways, down to one posting a week at least for the next 4-6 weeks. That's still 6 posts. A lot eh? Nahs.

I knew you would say that. But, study time is study time. Sorry folks. You just have to bare with me. Besides, if I had a post everyday, Masaru Takahashi would have told his entire story on here and hardly anyone wants to look forward to the finished product. I am interested to know however if you guys read manga for the story or for the art?

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Aoife Silverwind

Sorry. I was too tired yesterday to post anything. So, I shall post yesterday's post today. Okays. So this is the main Fairy character. I think her name should be Aoife. It means Life in Celtic language. She's the current only female in the Secret Protection, Retrieval, Intelligence and Technology Espionage Specialists(SPRITE). SPRITE is an organisation that deals with spying of human systems and the protection of the entire fairy race from the sight and detection of the human races because the council believes that if human know about the fairy race then they will bound to exploit the fairies.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Kieran Chase 2

So, let's talk about Kieran Chase. After all, he is the main character! Kieran Chase is born to a rich family. But his family is not the everyday rich people of Ireland. They are the chase family notorious and known to engage in illegal dealings until recently, the Chase family head, decided to engage in antiques trading. Because of his father's new enterprise, has Kieran been exposed to the antiques that piles up in his attic(among one is the scroll or stone slab that leads him to discover the existence of a new race). But, during one of his father's trip to Egypt, he went missing ever since then. Left at home is a lonely boy, his bodyguard and servant, and a lunatic mother who insists that his father is coming back "at night" and insists that Kieran is not himself.

Name: Kieran Chase
Gender: Male
Race: Human(dirt dwellers)
Abilities: Super-human brain, that's all he has. And good hands that hardly can fire a pistol properly?
Favorite Food: Caviar
Favorite Stone: Amethyst
Height: 145 cm
Age: 13
More About: Kieran Chase has an intellect that even baffles many psychologists around the globe. With an IQ of 198, much higher than the IQ of an average human. With this, he schemes and tries to earn money the "unconventional" way. At an age of 12, Kieran has written a program that transfer millions of euros from one bank account to his own(even deleting all traces of this being done). Designed a car model that is on sale in the automobile market. Written columns for psychology magazines. Have three patents to his name for program writing.

With him as your opponent, I would be much intimidated even if he is a defenseless little 12-year-old boy. His brains alone can make you suffer your entire life. My advice: Never offend geniuses like this, especially if they are evil geniuses.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Previous work: Gaia Eleven

This is un-submitted work! Because it's actually chapter two of Gaia Eleven(C) but since it came in fifth in the novice category, it is not even mentionable to be made pro. Well, it's a not bad first attempt anyways. I will get in the second time though!

I even forgot the names of the Main Characters! Can you believe it? It just goes to show how much I don't respect this work. Now I know. It's Yoshida(left) and Shirioku(right). Well, not the best work I do. It was actually much much easier to do this than the current work.

So, how did I come up with this ridiculous concept? I was chatting with my friend over a cup of coffee and bored, I decided to talk about the end of the world, 2012 and pollution(Yes, nothing else to talk about). So, he began giving weird theories that maybe god pities us and decide to give us a chance to "renew" the world instead of wiping everyone out, so 2012 will never happen. Hmmm. Maybe. But, it was weird and I like weird ideas! Ha!

Enjoy! This is the first page of Gaia Eleven!