Friday, September 10, 2010

Down to the boring stuffs

Okays peeps, I've decided to have weekly postings just in case you have realised that I haven't been posting for a few days. Afterall, I did post once a day. But that's all in the past. And in the past, I did not have to worry about the up coming promos. So, in view of the promos, I should blog less and I should also(technically speaking) stop playing or surfing the net. But, you know, my body doesn't really listen to my logical thinking. Anyways, down to one posting a week at least for the next 4-6 weeks. That's still 6 posts. A lot eh? Nahs.

I knew you would say that. But, study time is study time. Sorry folks. You just have to bare with me. Besides, if I had a post everyday, Masaru Takahashi would have told his entire story on here and hardly anyone wants to look forward to the finished product. I am interested to know however if you guys read manga for the story or for the art?

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