Friday, December 20, 2013

Blue Tack Art

While many people use blue tack for securing items to the wall for semi-permanent strong hold but clean and easy removal without damaging the walls, I use blue tack for a different use. Blue tack has been my art form since primary school when I would get hold of a blue tack amount, I would sculpt it into whatever creature I like. That was the fun of blue tack. You could make a creature, any creature for that matter. The possibilities was endless. I had many hours playing with blue tack making anything from orcas, to dinosaurs, to dragons and even robots.

Fast forward many years. I've had years and years of experience with blue tack. Lately, I've gone back into blue tack sculpting after I was bored one day at work. For the least part, someone saw my making the blue tack rose bouquet (which was sadly been destroyed by yours truly) that intrigued interest from my colleagues. Soon, everyone in the office would come to know and request my skills to help them commission one sculpture.

My sculptures seldom exceed 5 cm. The difficulty is the detailing of smaller sculptures. Blow them up to larger proportions and there won't be much details. For the part, you might need delicate and steady hands as well as a few items other than the obvious blue tack. I will teach you how.

I've so far commisioned a dancing pig holding a single rose, a bull fighting scene with a red flag, 2 horses, mummy pig and baby piglet, suckling pig on a plate, a mini Nikon 1D camera, 2 chinese dragons, a goat, 2 mouse holding seeds and a bull feeding on grass. Other than those, I've also made my own which will be shown later. For the most, here are some of the works of blue tack I've done.

 The dragon made 3D from my 2D artwork. This was my first attempt at coloured blue tack sculpting.
 Subsequently, my skill wasn't really put to the test so I decided to make this less than one cm by one cm rose and pieced a dozen of them together to make this flower arrangement.
My latest work of orchids.

So, these are some of the many blue tack sculptures I've made. For the part, I will be attempting a step by step tutorial for those who wish to know how to achieve this. But for now, I'll leave you with a tutorial on how to prepare a blue tack before sculpting. It is important because a not supple piece would not be easy to handle.

Saturday, July 28, 2012

The "A-liens " are

Aliens are attacking? Nope. Z-lien is attacking actually. What am I talking about? Read on to know more. Your eyes probably already looked towards the picture below already. If you haven't then good for you. Continue reading. If you have...I doubt you know what is going on either...So, read on. :)

Want a sneak preview of what my design company is doing? Well, mot so much of a sneak preview, but, this is my first attempt at digitalising my artwork using the bamboo pad from the manually drawn art that is in my file(just waiting to be used in my design business soon). Of all the designs there, most are easy and far of from the normal manga art I used to do. Of course, my manga art is way off from the mangaka's...therefore the many scoldings from my ex-editor for giving sloppy work. I did my best okay? I didn't have any help or a mentor. It's just me and my pens. And ruler. And pencils...

Anyways, pardon the sloppyness here too. This took me slightly less than 2 hours. I call it the Z-lien. An alien force invading the earth from the AlphaPlanet in the Betica Galaxy. Can you see it? Wait for it..... Yep. Alpha-Betica? Yes, it's got to do with alphabets. Every "alien" will be named after an alphabet...meaning there will be a collection of 24 "aliens". So, let's start with Z-lien.

Well, I do hope you like it. It did take some getting used to the bamboo pad. And as usual, I had to improvise. Clarevoyant style! :) By the way, the cloud thing at its mouth is smoke. Right. Enjoy. That's all for today then. The next time will probably be in 3 days or so since I will be busy "working" in the army.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Back after a very very long while.

Well, back blogging people. Firstly, this is fair warning to anyone out there. It's going to be a damn long post.

Anyways, being in army(the most boring and waste-of-time thing I'll ever engage in my entire life), i have been pressed to do desk job due to my (personal but all-so-visible) medical condition. So, I have lots of time on my hands. Guess what do I do in that time? I draw. I read. I study. Yes. Study. After months of being away from school(and I am so glad), I actually somewhat miss studying a little. As my superior said, " sometimes people want to study when they are working, but end up wanting to go back to work when they are finally studying". Why? It's a dread to even work there. I dun really know why he even wishes to continue working there. Maybe I don't, but he does.

Sure thing I am studying. But what for? Well, my studies was a flop. So, I am taking this opportunity to study instead. Since I am going to tackle a degree in business after National Service, I might as well get a head start in studying a diploma part time. Besides, what is a diploma that can be completed in 9 months compared to the A levels in 34 months. Right?

Also, its to give me some knowledge so that I can actually start a real and proper business. Since it is coming soon after I finish my diploma(probably next year's first quarter.) Remember people, come support my business when it's ready, Okay?

The business would be tentatively a design company dealing with designs. I would appreciate it if designers(graphic or any artist that has knowledge of design) contact me at You will get a special offer. Also, I can give you a "Pioneer" rank in my company. Giving you an edge over people who join later. Anyways, I'll notify any of you who contact me and give you instructions to follow once my business is up. I'll give you a brief explanation of my business too(you won't have anything to lose by joining the company). The company aims to provide a platform for young and promising designers to horne their skills in the art scene and to gain invaluable knowledge in the process, so as to give the artist the required experience and chances that many firms are unwilling to give. I decided on this because when I tried to find a holiday job at design studios, due to my lack of experience in the field(obviously...because I was studying...where to find time?), I was always turned down. If someone gave me an opportunity to help, I would have learnt a valuable amount.

For this, I have invested in a desktop with dedicated graphics to support the graphic designing programs I will be running. Also, it would delight a lot of you and maybe even make some of you jealous, but, I have bought a bamboo pad! No more hand sketching and erasing anymore! Yay. The only problem is the steep learning curve which I am experiencing now. Half of this is written with a bamboo pad. I am dying from doing that and almost given up entirely. This has taken me almost an hour. Kudos.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Global issues?

Hi viewers. Today's a total flop. Wasted an entire day(of precious time which could have been spent presumably on drawing) waiting for an interview that never came. See, I'm given a chance to go with friends and schoolmates to Europe(finally that day has arrived). It's Germany! I'm actually excited about the trip even though I haven't been granted a place to go yet(but I know I will eventually go). Thanks to my classmates who spent the entire morning and half the afternoon with me(I'm using their project idea for the interview session - hope you 4 don't mind). It's really just to talk about it. Really.

So all I've got to do is to talk about a global issue. What is it? Yes, Land Shortage. It's evident in most urbanized areas right? It's of course economic, social and a geographical problem. Sustainable living and growth is just part of this, then there is the efficient use of land, and the efficient use to space(not only land).

Most of this is already in place though not widely use due to the lack of research and development of technology that supports land-saving methods.

Okay, enough of the boring stuffs. Sorry but I'll be doing some research tonight(so there'll be no drawings today). But, I can make an exception to draw concept art for ideas to tackle this global problem. Hmmm... sorry Hoi Bing Lai(but I'll be editing your concept into 3d and make some changes).

Credits of the amazing ideas to my friends, Benjamin Tan, Wei Key, Hoi Bing, and Thu Ha.(and sham who wasn't there)

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Old Art works part 2

This is part 2 of my old artworks gallery. Okay, so here's an artwork I did for the GCSE O levels. It's titled, out of the sea. It represents freedom for wildlife to choose. The waves and the breaking horses from them symbolises the unity of mothernature and animals alike and that we humans should respect this bond, and allow wildlife and nature to coexist, and not be destructive about it. Afterall, we share this world with them, let them live freely just like we live freely in this world.

To tell the truth, my O level artwork is rather mediocre in comparison with what I do now. I did expect an A from those artwork though, but, I think its rather impossible considering that level. But then again, its still beautiful enough to warrant at least a low A right? Nevermind that though(it's already long over)
Plus, most of my O level works tend to encircle around a particular meaning and particular topic. Ha. Guess its my luck to receive "almost the same" topics everytime. :)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Old Art works part 1

Time to post some old artwork. First would be "orchids at dusk"... This is one of the old artworks that I did at the start of this year. Well, it's a good first try for watercolour and pen art. Well, it's not all the best artwork I've done, but it's pretty good I got to say)even though most of it is accidental spillage of the watercolour.

Hey, so enough talk already and show me the art already!(is this what you are thinking now?) Well, okay...

anyways, enjoy tonight and have a Happy Halloween!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy Halloween

It's finally nearing Halloween already yet, I am not feeling too well at all. Plus, I think my luck is running dry. I had my phone blank out on me, my friend suddenly doesn't want to go overseas(after agreeing almost 5 months ago), my entire body feels like its breaking apart and this constant abdominal pain.

But, with the Halloween around the corner, (even though I don't celebrate Halloween here) A happy Halloween to all who celebrates Halloween(especially when most of my blog's viewers are Americans). So to celebrate, I did a drawing a week ago which is in the theme of halloween. It's not the usual drawings because it's incomplete and almost certainly all pencil!

Once again, I wish all my blog viewers a Happy Halloween(enjoy trick-or-treat-ing)and a great weekend ahead! :)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Not Manga Art?

Yes people, it's not manga art I am presenting today! It's my randomly, fantastic looking, beautiful, inspiring, and difficult to do pen and watercolour painting. Yeah, its not very easy. Well, first you need to use a waterproof pen of course(but not all are waterproof when they say so on the labels(so be careful).

Anyways, first I have "Dawn at the Pier". It's a artwork that displays my views on life. Like this pier, one has a choice to walk to the end alone or with someone else. If so, the journey will of course be tough(from the broken planks - filled with obstacles). Also, it is fairly long, and failing will plunge you into the deep abyss(unknown outcome - the sea). But if you ever reach the end, dun worry, life doesn't end so easily, you can always take the small boat out for a paddle and explore more of life's wonders. If you confine yourself to the pier however, you will always be filled with boredom and you will finally reach the end point without much knowledge of the world you lived in. So, get up and be brave, explore the world and enjoy your life. All you have to do is choose wisely and get over those hurdles!

Second is "Harbor Blues". This is done because I had extra watercolour left that I hate to just throw it away. Hence the noob artwork. Pardon me. It has no deep meaning as compared to dawn at the pier. Anyways, to any singaporeans... If you wish to buy my art prints, you can either contact me or comment on my flash web. Prices range from SGD$7-60(dependent on the type and size of print). Oh, by the way, it is HQ prints taken with an SLR camera at its highest resolution.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

No drawings again. Bad mood :(

Today has largely been a roller coaster ride. But it isn't the fun one, neither is it something to look forward to. Its so terrifying that you will regurgitate your heart out. For the first time in my life I am looking back at the possibilities of choices and where I would have been now, and I also feel for once disappointment beyond the norm.

One, the day started badly. I failed a subject of course(not by a lot) but enough to seal my fate. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

In view of my tiredness, I will not be posting a drawing today. I'm so sorry for those who regularly check my blog out everyday. I will resume posting tomorrow.

Secondly, I received results of subject that I was Acing. Not that it was bad, but I lost to 2 people. I really wanted to comfort myself for the one "wasted" year. But I guess I wasn't good enough. I got to congratulate myself for still getting an A even with so many careless mistakes. It's still a wonder. Maybe I was a wee bit too complacent. I'll take this as a form of lesson.

Then, now I realise how my friends felt last year with my horrible results. They are genuinely worried, asides their scores about their friends' fate. Yes. I am worried for the outcome of my entire class, not just those few. It's rather worrying. I just hope the school will be more flexible. Not hitting the gauge slightly shouldn't get you into such shit! I can of course just blame the school for their inflexibility, rigidity and self-centeredness, but if one thinks, its everyone's fault. The student didn't work hard enough, the school system is screwed up, and many more(that I cannot think of). So, I just wish everyone of 10S16 all the best. No matter what happens, just follow what you think is best for you. No matter what you choose, I'll be behind you all the way.

ps: to those who missed by a few marks, dun be so pessimistic. The law of Attraction states that all negativity will only stand to attract more negativity. So think more positively. The teachers will push you up. Trust me on this.
Plus, its really not that bad retaining(take it as a year more to play around with your basics and set them right). Of course the bad part is having to pass all(but you will come to realise that it isn't all that difficult). Anyways, goodluck.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Tutorial(Facial Components) by Masaru Takahashi

Now its time for the tutorial. Since the tutorial consists of many parts, eyes and facial components, this first tutorial will consist of eyes(basic) and face structure(female). The next shall be ears, mouth and face structure(male). All these shall be kept to the basic however, if you would require the intermediate ones, kindly post in the comments or the message box on the right side of the page. You could of course use the basic face components and experiment with them to create your own style. That is the most satisfying for me.

This is the complete page(but I doubt you can see the words). So, I have taken zoom ins for the different parts of the tutorial.

This is the basic eye structure of the protagonists. Happy trying it out!

This is the basic eye structure of the antagonists.

Part one of female face/head structure.

Part two of the female face/head structure and the incomplete(almost complete) final drawing of the female head structure. Of course you can play around with the hairs and eyes to make her different.

This is Masaru Takahashi. Thanks for viewing my tutorial. If you could kindly leave a kind remark or a compliment(or critics), I will be very thankful. Anyways, I'll leave the Halloween surprise for tomorrow. Till then.