Saturday, October 9, 2010

It's almost over... wait a little longer.

Sorry Guys. It's been a real busy few weeks for me. I am placing my entire future on the two weeks alone. There's really so much at stake here. It's either I pass and continue or fail and never get the chance to do this again. So, I need to pass. With that said however, I seriously screwed up my General Paper. I just hope I can pass in the final tabulations.

Okays. So Masaru Takahashi is putting manga on hold for another 2 days. 2 DAYS!!! Then it's so back to manga, manga and more manga drawings. You can just wait to see a new drawing everyday. Though that point will stop once I get enough practice and move on to the names. I would still be posting the drawings when I am doing my names but just not into so much details. After the names I'll probably have to contact my editor to see if he likes the idea. I just hope he take a liking to it(if not I have to work on another idea and start drawing more sketches and names again...) That kinda sucks.

Thanks for viewing my art anyways. :)

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