Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's finally over. Freedom again.

Oh yeah. The exams are over and Kieran Chase is now alive. :P
So yeah. I still don't have the name for his bodyguard. I was think of some random names but they seem so weird to call. Anyways, I think that all is well for my studies. That's not the only good thing though. I can go on drawing manga for 24 hours a day!!! And even after such a long break I am surprised that my drawing skills haven't deteriorated that much after all.

Rawr!!! This is the mighty troll... not one you would like to come face to face with... I wouldn't... Looks like Kieran's in for a surprise if he's about to go fairy hunting. Fairies aren't all that small wingy thingies. They have fearsome trolls, fraie dragons, stupid(not discriminating) and ugly(also not discriminating) goblins, and the hateful, smelly and rude dwarfs.

That's not all of the fairies though. To find out more, stay tuned to Kieran Chase and his adventures in manga. :P
I'm still working on the plot. The names and the final piece will have to wait.

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