Sunday, October 17, 2010

No Drawings today.

Worst day(s) of my life. Travel for such a long time. Bad dreams all night long. Sleep in the day. A damn sore throat. And I didn't get what I want! What is this man!?

So in view of the inconvenience of even posting this, I am not posting any drawings at least for today. Sorry to those who genuinely like to see my drawings up every day. Today is just not that kind of day.

Anyways, anyone had a weird dream before? My dream is so weird that I dreamt of stuffs in a 4th person view. Can you imagine that? It's like dreaming something in someone else's head. Okay. Just downright weird.

Instead of me ranting today, why not you all post(in the comments) about some weird dreams that you've recently had? :P
I look forward to seeing the dreams you all had(maybe then mine wouldn't be so weird then).

Okays... but since there is no drawings... I thought a flash based website would be good. Why don't you guys visit it? Yeah? It's a gallery of my works. It's @ Masaru Takahashi's flash web.


  1. sore throat is not a lot of fun its just uncomfortable and difficult to swallow.

    usually, i would take the Nim Jiom Cough Syrup ( ) which has a thick consistency formulation. it coats the throat and includes herbs that are particularly good for that application.

    i hope it works on you as well.

  2. Okay. Thanks. My mom forced herbal drinks down my throat... It seems to work well too...

    I'll try that if my throat starts to hurt again.
    Thanks again! :)
